What are the effects of air source frost? Juteng tells you the 2 things you need to be aware of!
Upload Time:2023-09-28

The ability of the air source to defrost is an important indicator for evaluating the level of performance of the air source. Frost for the air source heat pump is a very normal phenomenon, not frost on the equipment has a problem, the important thing is that after the frost of the equipment after the performance of the ability to frost, as long as the equipment can be normal frost, the impact on the operation of the equipment is minimal, for example, the Juteng -35 ° C ultra-low-temperature air source, the use of intelligent frost technology, in the severe winter is still stable and efficient heat production. What we need to be concerned about is whether or not the unit can be frosted properly, because frosting, if it's not working properly, will affect the heating effect of the unit.

Frosting of air source heating equipment

What are the effects on the machine's heating performance?

1/ Affects Thermal Conductivity and Thermal Resistance

The frost layer increases the thermal conductivity resistance and reduces the heat transfer coefficient of the evaporator. In the early stages of frosting, the total heat transfer coefficient increases because the frost layer increases the roughness and surface area of the heat transfer surface, and then begins to decrease as the frost layer thickens and the effect of thermal conductivity and thermal resistance becomes a major aspect of the heat transfer coefficient.

2/ Affects Air Flow

The increase in the frost layer increases the resistance to air flow through the finned tube evaporator and reduces air flow, and this effect on evaporator performance is a major aspect of the negative impact of frost.

The direct result of the influence of the above 2 points is the deterioration of heating efficiency and effect, resulting in energy consumption, insufficient temperature and even shutdown. Therefore, excellent defrosting ability is very important, especially into the northern market equipment, winter long-term in the ultra-low temperature environment, there is a greater need to pay attention to defrosting technology.

For example, Juteng -35 ℃ ultra-low temperature air source, not only the use of ultra-low-temperature EVI Jet Boosting Comfort compressor, -35 ℃ low-temperature operation and stable heating is strong, but also the use of intelligent regulation of defrosting technology, high-efficiency and accurate defrosting and drainage, frost frost, frost, frost, frost, and protect the equipment at the same time, high-efficiency operation.