Villa Air Source Whole House System, Pool, Heating and Hot Water in One
Upload Time:2024-05-11

Whole-house intelligent system is the standard of modern home decoration and people's aspiration for quality life. In villa mansions, private swimming pools, medium heating systems and central hot water systems are indispensable supporting facilities. The traditional heating system often has high energy consumption and high operating costs. The emergence of air source heat pump, simplify the complexity, the pool, cooling and heating, hot water, three in one, for the villa mansion to bring a comfortable and convenient life enjoyment.

Practical applications of air source heat pumps in whole house systems

Enjoy Swimming in Winter with Pool Heat Pump Heating

Swimming and fitness has become a favourite sport for people pursuing quality life, and private swimming pools have privacy and health and safety protection. In winter, the pool water temperature requirements are higher, Juteng stainless steel air source can provide villa users with constant temperature pool heat pump, intelligent thermostat system can ensure that the pool water temperature is maintained in the appropriate range, so that users can enjoy the fun of swimming at any time.

Central heating, whole-house warmth and comfort

Heating is just needed in the north, and with the improvement of the quality of life requirements, the south villa is also popular to install heating, Juteng stainless steel air source has become the first choice of many southern villa users heating system. Air source heat pump can convert the heat in the air into thermal energy for heating. The end can be connected to the ground heating, fan coil and radiator. In the cold winter, air source central heating guarantees users a comfortable and warm winter, free from the cold.

Centralised hot water, instant hot water for the whole house

Air source heat pumps can provide whole-house domestic hot water for large houses, meeting the needs of family bathing, washing, kitchen hot water and so on. Compared with electric water heaters, air source heat pumps provide more adequate hot water, and lower energy consumption, to Juteng stainless steel air source, for example, grade 1 energy efficiency, COP value of 4.20 or more, 1 degree of electricity heating is equal to the electric water heater 4.2 degrees of heating, energy-saving effect is excellent.

Air source heat pump to achieve swimming pool, heating, hot water three in one, not only saves the investment in equipment to reduce the space occupation, energy efficient, safe and reliable operation effect, for the villa mansion life to bring convenience and comfortable experience.