The new house heating selection of Juteng stainless steel air source heat pump, energy efficient and resistant to low temperatures!
Upload Time:2024-05-24

With the improvement of living standards, many rural residents to build a new house, synchronous consideration of heating equipment, and "coal to electricity" project to promote the popularity of the project, many residents also give priority to the purchase of air heat pumps as a new house heating equipment, then what are the advantages of air source heat pumps can protect the rural residents of the new house heating needs?

Efficient heat production, effectively make up for the lack of thermal insulation

Because of the self-built houses in many properties with the city of the house will produce differences, such as wall materials without external wall insulation, etc., the house insulation performance directly affects the heating effect. The high heating efficiency of the air source will make up for this, to Juteng stainless steel air source heat pump, for example, its use of imported brands of heat pumps dedicated compressor, heating strong renewal of strong; the application of full DC inverter technology is a new breakthrough, when the room temperature and the set temperature difference is large, the unit will automatically adjust the room temperature to quickly achieve the set temperature, and effectively make up for the defects of the wall thermal insulation effect is low.

-35℃ super low temperature resistance, effective against winter cold

Most of the rural areas are ecologically intact, so in winter they are more affected by extremely cold weather, and heating equipment in general is at high risk of freezing and shutting down. The Juteng stainless steel air source heating heat pump, with intelligent defrosting technology, intelligent identification of the environment, accurate defrosting frost, to protect the equipment for efficient heating; at the same time, the intelligent anti-freezing design, to ensure the stability of the operation of the low-temperature environment, even in the ultra-low temperature environment of minus -35 degrees Celsius, can still be used normally for constant heating, super adaptable to the countryside in the harsh winter temperatures and environment, and strong protection of the villagers warm through the winter.

Grade 1 energy efficiency saves energy brilliantly, eliminating the villagers' heating burden

Rural residents for the cost-effectiveness of electrical appliances is very important, about a family's expenditure. Therefore, Juteng stainless steel air source from the beginning of coal product design, the full consideration of the product's energy efficiency, improve its economy, the product reaches the national level 1 energy efficiency, energy saving 75% than the traditional electric heating; Intelligent inverter heating according to the ambient temperature automatically adjusts to protect the indoor thermostat, and effectively improve the operating efficiency, energy consumption to achieve the optimal ratio, energy saving to fully meet the expectations of rural residents.

Winter heating is an important guarantee for rural residents to live a happy life, Juteng stainless steel air source through high-quality products, professional installation for rural residents to open a different chapter of heating life.