Smart users are installing air source heating units in the summer, why?
Upload Time:2024-05-29

Many users think that winter is almost here before it is suitable for the installation of heating, in fact, the opposite, the installation of air heating systems before it is too late, the opposite season to install heating is a smart move. Juteng stainless steel air source tell you why summer is the good time to install.

1/Avoid peak installation periods

The so-called golden nine silver ten, September-October each year is the peak season for decoration, the north this time has begun to turn cold, the installation of air source heating heat pump users, the number of professional installers is limited, the installation needs to wait for scheduling. In addition, in the peak season for the installation of heating systems, manufacturers shipments, logistics will be relatively tense, summer shipping speed, logistics speed, will not affect the installation schedule.

2/Time is generous to ensure quality and quantity

In terms of purchasing, there is sufficient time for identification to avoid mistakes in selection due to haste. In terms of installation, the installation team has plenty of time, in the pre-design phase, to maximise the user's individual needs. If problems are found during or after installation, they can still be adjusted in time and will not affect the heating season.

3/Anti-seasonal sales with great discounts

Air source heating equipment is a popular product in winter, and businesses usually offer discounts for purchasing and installing in the opposite season. If you buy in winter, it is difficult to talk about the discount price because you just need it, and because you are in a hurry to install and use it, you usually do not have so much time to buy and negotiate the price.

4/ Warm in winter and cool in summer

Today's air source heat pumps are equipped with both heating and cooling functions, and if installed in the summer, they can also enjoy comfortable central air conditioning cooling in a timely manner. Air source central air conditioning is a water system cooling, will not be excessive dehumidification lead to dry air, out of the air warm and soft, in the room will not have a dry mouth feeling, the experience is more comfortable.

As one of the top ten brands of air source, focusing on stainless steel air source for 24 years, Juteng is a brand trusted by many users, and the much-loved Class 1 Energy Efficiency -35℃ Stainless Steel Air Source Heating Heat Pumps provide users with a comfortable heating experience. No matter summer or winter, we are fully committed to providing users with perfect products and services.