Does your home really need an air water heater? 3 criteria to judge!
Upload Time:2024-06-04

Air source water heater as the current market explosion of energy-saving water heater, some users watch and wonder if their home is suitable for this kind of water heater. Whether a home needs an air source water heater is judged by the following 3 criteria.

Domestic hot water demand

Every household has a different hot water requirement, those with a large number of family members, or those with a large residential area with many water points, have a higher water consumption. This kind of family is recommended to use air source water heater, because of its capacity design affluent. For example, Jotun's stainless steel air water heater can be used as a whole-house centralised hot water heater, allowing family members to bathe at the same time, as well as meeting the hot water needs of the kitchen and shabu-shabu at the same time.

Requirements for heating speed

Traditional water heaters are slow to heat up, require a long wait before taking a bath, and cause inconvenience by having to queue up for a bath when the population is large, as well as consume a lot of energy if turned on throughout the day. If you have an urgent need to eliminate this trouble, air source water heater can undoubtedly satisfy you. Juteng stainless steel air source water heater, for example, heating 3 times faster heating speed, inverter to low inverter insulation mode after heating, keep open all day without energy consumption, hot water at any time to open at any time to use.

Requirements for energy efficiency

When you buy a water heater, whether you pay special attention to its energy efficiency, if you pay special attention to energy efficiency, then air source water heater is undoubtedly a good choice. Air source water heaters use the heat pump principle of heating, not directly with electricity, but using the heat in the air to heat the water. Its energy-saving effect is three to four times the electric water heater, for example, Juteng stainless steel air hsource ot water, a level of energy efficiency, COP value of 4.2, one degree of electricity heating is equal to the electric water heater 4.2 degrees of electricity heating, energy-saving effect is remarkable.

With these three criteria to judge, you will be able to clarify whether or not you need an air source water heater for your home. Large water volume, fast heating, but also energy saving, this is the air source water heater can bring to the family hot water to upgrade the enjoyment. As one of the top ten brands of air source, Juteng has been focusing on stainless steel air source for 24 years, and its popular product, Juteng stainless steel air source domestic water heater, is a good choice for many families.