What is the best way to set the temperature of an air source heat pump for comfort and energy efficiency?
Upload Time:2024-11-05

Many users who have installed Juteng stainless steel air source heat pumps, out of the energy-saving considerations on the use of air source heat pump heating, want to know, how many degrees of the air source heat pump set to ensure comfort and at the same time play an energy-saving?

Comfortable heating and cooling

Comfort is one of the absolute advantages of air source heat pumps, a significant advantage that distinguishes them from traditional heating and cooling, and an important factor in the choice of many users. For example, the comfort of air source heat pumps has excellent performance in heating in winter and cooling in summer.

Comfort of heating in winter, using water system floor heating, indoor floor radiation warming, warm from the soles of the feet, and indoor temperature uniformity, no wind feeling and no noise interference. Summer cooling comfort, the use of water system central air conditioning for refrigeration, the continuous delivery of cold air containing moisture to the room, the temperature and humidity constant and not dry.

What temperature is more comfortable?

There are international and domestic standards for comfortable temperature ranges. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) recommends that the appropriate temperature of the air-conditioned room is 20 ℃ ~ 23 ℃ in summer and 16 ℃ ~ 18 ℃ in winter; the domestic “indoor air quality standards” that is, GB/T18883-2002, provides for winter heating standards of 16 ~ 24 ℃. In practical application, Juteng stainless steel air source recommended winter heating set at 20 ℃.

What temperature is more energy efficient?

According to statistics, if the indoor temperature is set to 20 ℃ in winter, energy consumption can save 31.6%, if set 18 ℃, energy saving effect is higher. But can not overly pursue energy-saving effect and give up the comfort experience leads to the cart before the horse, so the temperature will be adjusted in both energy-saving effect can also play the human body feel comfortable temperature can be.