How to choose the heating end of the air source heat pump installation in the northern rural areas?
Upload Time:2024-12-06

Air source heat pump heating through years of practice, safety, environmental protection, energy saving, comfort and other advantages are widely recognized, and now there are many rural users to replace the heat source on their own initiative, such as the Juteng stainless steel air source, so is the northern rural users of high-quality air source heating equipment favored.

Rural dwellings are mainly self-built houses, and the old heating ends are mostly traditional cast iron heaters with poor heat dissipation, so how to choose the heating end when heating with air source heat pump?


If the resident does not want to affect his life, change the radiator

Heater installation is easy, simple maintenance, has been living in the house to replace the old end, choose the heater is more appropriate, installation is fast and easy. Heater heating speed, you can use the temperature control valve on the heater to individually adjust the temperature of the room, the temperature adjustment is flexible. If you already have a heater installed in your home, you can directly replace the old heat source and install an air source heat pump.


If you want to share the end of the heating and cooling system, install a fan tray

The use of fan coil heating, not only can be used for winter heating, but also to achieve the user's summer cooling needs, saving the cost of buying other end. Fan coil end, can flexibly adjust the temperature, can be partitioned independent control. This end form is more suitable for new house decoration, in the construction of self-built houses can consider this kind of end.


For the most comfortable experience, install hydronic systems

Air to water underfloor heating is recognized as the most comfortable heating method on the market, and it is more suitable to install underfloor heating in a new house renovation, which is synchronized with the whole renovation into. Water underfloor heating warms up from the bottom up, and underfloor heating improves comfort. The end of the floor heating does not occupy the effective use area of the room, and there is no sense of hot air and noise problems, the comfort experience is unparalleled.

Choose which end, change which end, according to the current objective conditions, Juteng for the user to suggest the end when the balance of the actual situation, to give advice to maximize the benefits, and provide professional design and installation services as well as high-quality and high-performance stainless steel air source heat pumps, and make every effort to create a comfortable heating experience for the user.